


Dies ist eine alte Version des Dokuments!

Test cases

This is a list of standard test cases that should be checked before a new release

  1. Add one of the public channels to the list of channels available in the frontend
    • expand the first option bar „Kanäle“ to show the list of channels available
    • click on „+ Kanal hinzufügen“
    • a popup should appear with several tabs, one of them with the title „öffentliche Kanäle“
    • select one of the entries in „Middleware“
    • select one of the entries in „Kanal“
    • click on „Abonnieren“
    • expected result:
      • the graph for the selected channel should be drawn (in case you don't see any data you might want to look in a different time frame like month)
      • if „Cookie“ was selected in the subscription dialog, a Cookie should be set in the browser
  2. <second, even more important test case>
development/testing.1312523524.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2011/08/05 07:52 von justinotherguy