Dies ist eine alte Version des Dokuments!
wish list
This is not the place to register bugs or smaller tasks, please use our bug tracker for that purpose.
For more comprehensive wishes, consider adding it to our soc page.
Thank you!
for version 0.3
- implement a middleware interface for dumb frontend
- url → number. no more.
- good for
- dumb devices (controller w/ display)
- smartphone quick access to current reading
- not so dumb frontend
- url → a little text (maybe colours) + number
- for
- Chumby
- Nokia N810
- frontend
- show value on mouse over
- allow editing of parameters (grouping, naming, properties, …)
- overhaul controls
- zoom, pan, …
- make columns optional
- allow summing phases
- implement a monitoring for channels („…no reading for more than x minutes…“, „…value higher than x…“)
- additional properties of a channel:
- type („incrementor“: consumption since x/„decrementor“: remaing content of a tank)
- time of last tank filling/last reading
- content of tank at the time of last filling
- → that's enough information to calculate the remaining content of the tank
- resp. the consumption since the last reading
- and - some „milage forecast“: remaining content / consumption during last period
- admin interface
- show channels that have no data entries
wishlist.1321219069.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2011/11/13 22:17 von justinotherguy