


Dies ist eine alte Version des Dokuments!



  • is a tool to read and log measurements of a wide variety of smartmeters and sensors to the middleware.
  • can run as a daemon in background or via cron.
  • includes a tiny onboard HTTPd to serve realtime readings to the AJAX web frontend.


  • evaluates middleware return code
  • buffering readings in case of:
    • network timeout
    • invalid middleware return code/exception or misconfiguration
  • „local interface“ onboard HTTPd ([9] )
  • easily extendable with new sensor/meter protocols
  • runs on embedded devices (Plug-Computers, Routers, Fluksos etc..)
  • portable (conforms to POSIX standards)



for installing the current version, refer to installation_cpp-version.

Meters & Protocols

The following table contains an overview of the existing protocols supported by vzlogger:

IDDescriptionStatusExample & UsecasesLinks & References
fileRead from file or fifo<html><span style=„color: green“>implemented</span></html>OWFS, /proc/ Filesystemread(3)
execParse program output<html><span style=„color: orange“>untested</span></html>digitempexec(3)
smlSML as used by EDL-21, eHz and SyM2 meters<html><span style=„color: green“>implemented</span></html> sml
s0S0-meter directly or indirectly (USB) connected to UART or GPIO<html><span style=„color: green“>implemented</span></html>Quick and dirty methods0-an-rs232
d0DLMS/D0 linebased cleartext<html><span style=„color: green“>implemented</span></html> DIN EN 62056-21
w1therm Support 1Wire-Sensors based on DSxxxxx<html><span style=„color: green“>implemented</span></html> 1Wire Busmaster DS2582 ist Voraussetzung
ocrOCR (image processing/recognizing) with USB-Cam<html><span style=„color: green“>implemented</span></html>
randomGenerate random values with a random walk<html><span style=„color: green“>implemented</span></html>Testing and demonstration
fluksov2Read from Flukso's onboard SPI fifo<html><span style=„color: green“>implemented</span></html>
fluksousbfluksousb<html><span style=„color: red“>planned</span></html> 'Bart's Protokoll'
vsm103Voldcraft VSM-103 Drehstromzähler<html><span style=„color: red“>planned</span></html> VSM-103
kd302Energiekostenmessgerät KD 302<html><span style=„color: red“>planned</span></html> KD 302
ccostWeatherstation alike commercial smart metering system<html><span style=„color: red“>planned</span></html> CurrentCost, Umweltsünde, Jibble
tweetawattKillAWatt mod with XBee wireless communication<html><span style=„color: red“>planned</span></html> Sourcecode, Blog
ansiANSI standard that describes a protocol used for two-way communications with an electricity meter, mostly used in North American markets.<html><span style=„color: red“>planned</span></html> ANSI C12
omsOpen Metering System, based on M-Bus communication<html><span style=„color: green“>implemented</span></html> OMS Group


Vzlogger is able to push the gathered data to different backend systems for further processing or storage. This is done via the `api` parameter that is configured per channel. Vzlogger's default backend api is volkszaehler, which is the volkszaehler middleware. Additonal options are mysmartgrid and a 'null' api.


The vzlogger configuration is done with a file containing JSON encoded settings. General settings also can be set via the command line. You must have at least one meter in your configuration. Channels are optional. A meter can have more channels. Ex. if you want to log to multiple middleware servers.

All meter protocols have own properties. We do not describe them here in detail. Just take a look at the example configuration. It contains a meter for every protocol.

A detailed example configuration is included in the distribution, see

You can also find different user's configurations in the howto section.

You can also use these script: vzlogger.conf-editor

Command line parameters

parameterexample (default)description
--config-c/etc/vzlogger.confconfiguration file
--log-o/var/log/vzlogger.loglog file
--daemon-doffrun as daemon
--httpd-loffactivate local interface (tiny HTTPd which serves live readings)
--httpd-port-p8080TCP port for HTTPd
--help-h show short help
--verbose-vlevel0enable verbose output (0-20)
--version-V show version of vzlogger

Generate Debian packages for your favorite platform

Package source seems to be defunct!
$ sudo echo "deb-src squeeze main non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
$ sudo apt-get update
$ apt-get source vzlogger
$ cd vzlogger-<version>
$ sudo apt-get install debhelper
$ dpkg-buildpackage -b
software/controller/vzlogger.1439059060.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2015/08/08 20:37 von udo1