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vzlogger Installation


Our repository:

Actually vzlogger and some of the libraries are only provided by sourcecode. They have to be compiled before use. Select a working directory your user has writing permissions. For example the home directory:

cd ~

Prerequisites for compiling vzlogger

Please note that a full configured vzlogger requires besides gcc (4.7 or higher) and glibc, these libraries to compile successfully:


  • git (package: git-core)
  • cmake
  • pkg-config
  • subversion (for tests using googlemock)

Required Libraries

  • libjson >= 0.11 (>= 0.9 before
  • libcurl3 >= 7.19
  • libgnutls-dev
  • libgcrypt
  • libsasl2-dev
  • libuuid1
  • libsml (for sml meters)
  • libmicrohttpd-dev >= 0.4.6 (for builtin „local“ webserver)
  • libltdl >=0.8.0 (for OMS)
  • libleptonica-dev (for OCR)

Debian packages

On Debian-Jessie based distributios, most of these dependencies can easily be installed with: (as root, consider running „apt-get update“ first)

sudo apt-get install build-essential git-core cmake pkg-config subversion libcurl4-openssl-dev libgnutls28-dev libsasl2-dev uuid-dev libtool libssl-dev libgcrypt20-dev libmicrohttpd-dev libltdl-dev libjson-c-dev libleptonica-dev dh-autoreconf

For Debian Wheezy:

sudo apt-get install build-essential git-core cmake pkg-config subversion libcurl3-dev libgnutls-dev libsasl2-dev uuid-dev libtool libmicrohttpd-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libltdl-dev libleptonica-dev dh-autoreconf

Build by script

Vzlogger provides a shell script for download, build and install of the modules issued only as sourcecode.

git clone
cd vzlogger

The script supports also build of one single module. See the comments in the script for details.


sudo systemctl stop vzlogger  #only works after creating the systemd start script, see below
cd vzlogger
git pull
./ vzlogger
sudo systemctl start vzlogger #only works after creating the systemd start script, see below

Build by hand

In cases the script does not fit the conditions.

Building libjson

The best case is building libjson from source, which is simple too:

sudo apt-get install dh-autoreconf
git clone -b json-c-0.12
cd json-c
sudo make install

Go back to your starting directory:

cd ..

Building libsml

git clone
cd libsml
sudo make

Note that libsml does not include a 'make install' target.

You can manually install it into your system by copying the following files and directories

sudo cp sml/lib/libsml.* /usr/lib/
sudo cp -R sml/include/* /usr/include/
sudo cp sml.pc /usr/lib/pkgconfig/

Go back to your starting directory:

cd ..

Building vzlogger

git clone
cd vzlogger
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

Go back to your starting directory:

cd ../..

Building OMS

OMS requires openssl and libmbus >=0.8.0 from e.g. (installation is easy:)

git clone
cd libmbus
sudo ./
sudo make install

Go back to your starting directory:

cd ..

Update vzlogger

sudo systemctl stop vzlogger #only works after creating the systemd start script, see below
cd vzlogger
git pull
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
cd ../..
sudo systemctl start vzlogger #only works after creating the systemd start script, see below

if you are having trouble building with libsml, instead of just „cmake .“, use:

cmake .. -DSML_HOME=/path/to/libsml

a debian package can be generated using:

cpack -G DEB

Cross compiling

cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/path/to/toolchainfile /path/to/vzlogger_sources

Systemd start script

The installscript asks you for installing the systemd unit file for you. If your computer uses systemd (Debian-Jessie) you may answer yes.

If you want to copy and edit it by yourself you find a template under: ./etc/vzlogger.service Destination of the file for Debian: /etc/systemd/system/vzlogger.system

Please make sure that both paths to the binary (vzlogger) and its configuration file (vzlogger.conf) are correct.

You can start, stop or verify vzloggers status using the common systemctl command:

sudo systemctl start vzlogger
systemctl status vzlogger
sudo systemctl stop vzlogger
You need a working configuration at this point! Else vzlogger will be closed and systemd generates failures.

If you are satisfied and want to have vzlogger permanently startet as a service everytime your machine boots, just enable it:

sudo systemctl enable vzlogger
software/controller/vzlogger/installation_cpp-version.1488364185.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2017/03/01 11:29 von jau