


Dies ist eine alte Version des Dokuments!

this is obsolete, the C-version is not maintained anymore.

vzlogger C-version Installation

Build from Source

Prerequisites for compiling vzlogger

Please note that a full configured vzlogger requires these libraries to compile successfully:

  • pkg-config
  • libjson >= 0.9
  • libcurl3 >= 7.19
  • libsml >= 0.1
  • libmicrohttpd >= 0.4.6

You can relax these dependecies by disabling certain features:

./configure --disable-{sml,local}

On Debian based distros most of these dependencies can easily installed with:

apt-get install pkg-config libcurl3-dev libjson0-dev libmicrohttpd-dev

building libsml additionally requires the development headers for libuuid:

apt-get install uuid-dev

building libsml

git clone
cd libsml

note that libsml does not include a 'make install' target. you might manually install it into your system, or just use the instructions below to compile vzlogger.

building vzlogger

git clone -b c-version
since this commit dated Februar 5 2013 the master-branch contains the C++-version! to get the c-version, check out the „c-version“ branch!
cd vzlogger
./configure && make && make install

if you are having trouble building with libsml:

(read this for more details:

./configure DEPS_SML_CFLAGS=-I/path/to/libsml/sml/include/ DEPS_SML_LIBS='/path/to/libsml/sml/lib/libsml.a -luuid'
software/controller/vzlogger/installation_c-version.1420048004.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2014/12/31 18:46 von andig