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reverse engineering: software
original manufacturer's app:
conrad's app:
[~/WiTenergy]$ ls -l *apk 1069410 cei.android.ble.smartenergymeter.apk 1107808 wit.android.ble.smartenergymeter.apk
the whole thing seems to be based on TI's „sensortag“:
[~/WiTenergy]$ unzip -l wit.android.ble.smartenergymeter.apk Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 126976 2014-10-18 01:36 assets/SensorTagImgA.bin 126976 2014-10-18 01:36 assets/SensorTagImgB.bin [...]
[~/WiTenergy/wit.android.ble.smartenergymeter]$ grep -iE texas\|ti\|sensortag assets/* assets/about.html:<meta name="Author" content="Texas Instruments" /> assets/about.html:<title>About BLE SensorTag</title> assets/about.html: <p><b>BLE SensorTag application</b> from <b>Texas Instruments</b> displays converted values from each of the six sensors assets/about.html: in the SensorTag. It also visualizes button presses. Up to four sensors may be used simultaneously (including keys).</p><hr /> assets/about.html: <p class="copy">© 2013-2014 Texas Instruments</p>
hardware/channels/meters/power/wittech_witenergy_e100/rev_soft.1429285570.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2015/04/17 17:46 von r00t