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Engineer Standards

During our work on we got in contact with international standards. Here collected some resources which could be helpful when implementing protocols etc.

Most of the standards are maintained by one of the two smart metering commitees: DLMS UA and OMS Group


  • ANSI C12.18: The optical port and PSEM standard for metering
  • ANSI C12.19: The data structure (tables) standard for metering
  • ANSI C12.21: The modem and PSEM standard for metering
  • ANSI C12.22: The network protocol standard for metering

OMS Group

Open Metering System Group

M-Bus (Meter-Bus)

Communication systems for meters and remote reading of meters


Device Language Message Specification User Association (originally Distribution Line Message Specification)

The DLMS UA is the committee behind the most important smart metering standards.

DLMS Resources
IEC 62056: Electricity metering - Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control


  • EDIS: Electronic Data Information System
  • AMR: Automatic Meter Reading
  • AMI: Advanced Metering Infrastructure
  • MDM: Meter Data Management
  • OMS: Open Metering System
  • SML: Smart Message Language
  • OBIS: Object identification system
  • ANSI: American National Standards Institute
  • MSCONS: Metered Services Consumption report message
  • UTILMD: Utilities Master Data message
  • UN/EDIFACT: United Nations Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport
  • ZVEI: German Electrical and Electronics Industry Association
  • MUC: Multi Utility Communication
  • eHZ: elektronischer Heimzähler
  • EPSEM: Extended Protocol Specification for Electronic Metering
  • DLMS: Device Language Message Specification


development/standards.1316271609.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2011/09/17 17:00 von stv0g