
Welcome Smart Developers & Thinkers!

Join us at elektro:camp(«2016.10») on October 07th and 08th in Appenweier, Germany!

Elektro:Camp is a participative workshop on Smart Metering, Smart Home, Smart Grid and Smart Ideas, in a BarCamp style.

This is the 10th meeting of the open source metering community. The concept worked very well at the previous meetings in Kaiserslautern (October 2010), Stuttgart (May 2011), Groningen (November 2011), Offenburg (May 2012), Leuven (October 2012), Kaiserslautern (April 2013), Texel (November 2013), Leuven (April 2014) and Brussels (May 2016).


Im Ettenbach 13a
77767 Appenweier

Use this Google Map for directions to the car park and venue: Google Maps


The hotels in „Appenweier“ can be reached by train (change trains in „Offenburg“). A lift from there can be arranged.

If you come by car, you can also stay in „Offenburg“. With you can find places with a rating of 7+ for around EUR 60/single room.


In order to help us organize things, please let us know that you want to come. Please do so as early as possible, because we need to organize things in advance. Just sign up on this page: ec1610-signup


Anyone is welcome to present a topic during one of the sessions. If you cannot allocate your presentation/demo/workshop to an existing topic, then please add it to the FIFO queue below and we'll see how we can fit it in:

Fr. 2016-10-07 afternoon
13:00 Elektro Camp opening
14:00 Jan Pecinovsky on and Christian Widmann on
15:00 Coffee with pastery
15:15 Dennis Ehmer on monitoring with Check MK
16:00 Markus Gebhard on FLM03E experiences, see
16:45 Discussion on with request to enable the FLM03E to publish grid frequency :)
17:30 Closing remarks
18:00 Seasonal badisch Food :); later:, Unikum in Appenweier
Sa. 2016-10-08
09:30 Coffee and breakfast bakery
10:00 Open Discussion: MQTT and its utilization; refer to and for a broker
10:30 Bart's achievements on the FLM03E: New „realtime“ daemon flxd and supervisor daemon supd
11:10 Coffee with pastery
11:15 Open Discussion on Thermostatic Radiator Valves - are there convenient options?
11:25 Thomas' user experience in the German energy market -'s findings and adapted business model; vision is to achieve „decentral power generation“
12:35 Lunch
13:00 Some hardware: a D0-reader with a Raspberry Pi - use a reader head and some software to post energy readings
13:30 Pieter's path from maker to breaker ;-)
14:45 Coffee with pastery
15:00 Roel's intro to and its inherent way to analyze energy data
15:30 Jan's impressions for ethical data privacy with terms and conditions; a request for a basic guideline on how to set customer conditions
16:10 Closing remarks

Please use the twitter tag #ec1610. You can also use this wiki to create session transcripts or drafts or $whatever, please create a page with the „EC1610“ prefix and link it here:

Questions & Info

For questions and other info, please contact Justin.