./sma2vz --help usage: ./sma2vz --vzurl=vzurl --cuuid_pwr=x --cuuid_kwh=y [ --daytimeonly --lat=lattitude --lon=longitude] [--loop --delay=delay] | [--help] | [--configure] --vzurl= volkszaehler middleware url --cuuid_pwr= channel uuid for power (watt) PV output --cuuid_kwh= channel uuid for energy (kwH) PV total --daytimeonly do not post data at night (e.g. if your device does not supply data) --lon= plant longitude geo coordinate --lat= plant lattitude geo coordinate --loop poll SMA inverters in a loop --delay= how many secs to wait between each reading (default: 15 secs) --configure create SMAsport configuration file(s) modify ./sma2vz inverters shell function here document to fit your plant's data